Go Behind the Scenes with The Game Show Insider!

What’s the best part of your favorite game show? If you said “Playing along at home” you’re in the right place!

Today, we’re proud to launch Game Show Insider — the ultimate destination for fans of Game Show Network! A few times each week we’ll give you an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at your favorite channel and the programs you love. You’ll hear about how game shows are made, how to be a contestant, and tips for playing from actual members of the Game Show Network family!

But even the best game show is nothing without players, so we want to hear from you! Tell us what you’d like to hear about, and our writers will do our best to make it happen. The only thing we love more than watching game shows is talking about them. If you feel the same way, then let us know in the comments — and everybody wins!

And best of all, Game Show Insider is totally free. So, check in frequently and let’s talk game shows! We’re going to make a great team.

How to Win Big with Game Show Network Sweepstakes (Tips and Tricks)

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to win big with Game Show Network Sweepstakes! Whether you’re a seasoned participant or a newbie, our sweepstakes tips and tricks will help you maximize your chances of success.

Game Show Network offers exciting and safe opportunities to win amazing prizes. With upcoming sweepstakes and a long list of past hits, there’s always a new chance to win big!

Our Top 10 Sweepstakes Tips and Tricks

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Game Show Historian and Researcher: Meet Adam Nedeff

America loves the flashing lights, bold colors, and excited contestants of game shows. As you watch contestants battle trivia and tasks to win big, do you ever wonder about the people working behind the scenes? Who are they, and what’s their job like?

You’ve come to the right place! We’re giving you an exclusive peek behind the scenes to meet Adam Nedeff, a game show historian and researcher. He has worked on Game Shows including:

  • Master Minds
  • People Puzzler,
  • Beat the Bridge
  • Tic Tac Dough

See why game shows are his passion and all that he’s done to make sure they’ll be remembered.

How Did Adam Get a Career in Game Shows?

Adam grew up loving game shows and dreamed of turning his favorite entertainment into a career. It’s not easy to make it in Hollywood, but he moved there in 2007, hoping to find his way into the game show industry.

Adam shared, “I found that breaking into game shows and staying in game shows, which is what I always wanted to do, was not the easiest thing in the world because people tend to hire who they know, and nobody knew me.”

He started working where he could and got a job at the famous Madame Tussauds wax museum. While there, he gave Conan O’Brien a tour and shocked the Late Night host with his ability to tell anyone what game shows aired on the day they were born, all from memory.

Adam told Conan he wanted to write a book someday. Once he said it, he knew it needed to happen, so he got to work writing about game show history.

“Happily, my books fell into the laps of some of the people who do the hiring in the world of game shows.”

Who wouldn’t want a game show expert on their research team? Adam got a job as a researcher and has worked on various game shows ever since.

What Is a Day in the Life of a Researcher Like?

For game shows, researchers take questions writing teams submit and work to verify that questions and answers are correct. This job is extremely important, as it ensures all contestants have a fair shot at winning.

Many people are surprised question researchers can have a full eight-hour workday, but the job is far more complicated than they realize. Adam broke down what researchers look for into four main categories for us.

1. Is the Answer Correct?

Checking that an answer is correct isn’t always easy. It becomes even trickier when answers you believe are common knowledge are actually wrong.


Question: What did Pandora open that contained the evils of the world?
Answer: a box
Problem: “Pandora’s box” is the common phrase, but a corrected translation shows it was really a jar, not a box.

2. Is the Question Correct?

Sometimes the wrong information in the question makes it impossible to answer.


Question: During the 1993 NFL Championship, an NBA ad popularized which sports phrase?
Answer: “Nothing but net.”
Problem: It was actually a McDonald’s ad, and the phrase had been around far longer.

3. Could Contestants Make an Argument Against the “Correct” Answer?

Researchers practice “lawyering the question,” or trying to find any possible argument someone could make against the right answer.


Question: What job oversees school administration in a district?
Answer: Superintendent
Problem: A handful of schools use other titles, like president or CEO. Even though superintendent is the most common answer, people could still argue against it.

4. Is the Wording Correct?

Sometimes one wrong word can drastically alter the meaning of a question.


Question: What poisonous invertebrate uses its tail to attack and sting prey?
Answer: A scorpion
Problem: A scorpion isn’t poisonous, it’s venomous.
The world of researching questions takes dedication, work, and, of course, a great deal of research, but it’s a rewarding and fun job.

Where Does Adam Find His Information?

Sometimes, it’s as simple as a Google search. Other times, it requires some legwork. The key with research experts like Adam is that they need multiple authoritative sources to prove something is right.

Many times, Adam ends up on phone calls tracking down information from people in the know.

“I’ve had to call a cosmetics factory. I called an accordion museum to verify some information once. I had to call the Elvis Museum once. I’ve called Coca-Cola, and I’ve gone to the offices of Sid & Marty Krofft Productions to verify some information for a question.”

Hunting down information can take Adam on some amazing adventures, making every workday a new quest.

“That’s my favorite part of the job: making contact with someone to verify the information that I’m trying to define.”

What Goes into Being a Game Show Historian and Author?

Behind the scenes of Switch with host Jeff Hephner

Adam’s work as a researcher is rewarding, but his real passion is writing. There are already books about how to compete and biographies about specific game show hosts or contestants, but Adam wants to focus on a new aspect of game shows.

“I wanted to preserve the stories of the people who made the shows, and nobody was doing that. I decided to write these books about what went into the making of game shows, where the ideas for the shows came from, who created them, the development process, what happened behind the scenes with games, what happened behind the scenes with things that went wrong during the tapings.”

He started writing in 2011, and now he’s an experienced author with 11 published books in his collection.
Some of his top-selling books include:

  • This Day in Game Show History Volumes 1-4
  • The Name on The Marquee series
  • Game Shows FAQ: All That’s Left to Know About the Pioneers, the Scandals, the Hosts and the Jackpots
  • Gong This Book! The Uncensored History of Television’s Wildest Talent Show

What’s the Best Part About Writing Books?

Writing game show histories has been a passion project for Adam. Yet, he’s not the only one who enjoys the writing and researching process. His searches for inside information bring some joy and excitement to the people he’s interviewing.

“Usually I’m the first person who’s ever asked them for the info they’re giving. Nobody’s ever spoken of this stuff before, and they’re just thrilled to be able to talk about it and their memories.”

Once he finds someone willing to talk to him about a game show, the doors start opening.

“They’re so on board to help you out and get this stuff written, and that leads to being able to contact other people who have stories to tell; it leads to resources like photos and videos that you may not have had access to otherwise.”

What’s Adam’s Favorite Celebrity Interview?

With years of writing books about the history of game shows, you’d better believe he’s gotten the chance to meet some amazing celebrities. Which one is his favorite? The answer: Orson Bean.

Orson Bean was a prolific actor who had a long-term stint on the To Tell the Truth game show.

A mutual friend put Adam in touch with Orson Bean while Adam was writing a book about the Match Game show. Orson Bean insisted Adam come to his home for the interview.

“As soon as I go to the house, he sits me down in his kitchen and he opens up the fridge and says, ‘Well, you got to eat something. You want to have roast beef?’

“And I’m like, ‘Oh, no, I’ll eat something when I leave.’ And he says, ‘No, no, you eat something when you’re in my home. You have roast beef.’

“And Orson Bean, who has known me for a minute and a half, is making me a sandwich.

“It was a delicious sandwich, I might add. But yeah, just a really warm, gracious guy. That was a day that I carry with me always. I was just spending the day with Orson Bean and getting his stories and his memories from his years working on game shows.”

Has Adam Competed on Game Shows?

Considering how much Adam loves game shows, it’s no surprise he has been on a few. You may have spotted him on Catch 21, Trivial Pursuit: America Plays, and Who’s Still Standing?

It will be a long time before he can compete on a game show again, though. You can’t compete if you know any of the staff, and Adam is now too well-known in the game show community to make another appearance as a contestant.

If Adam Could Compete on Any Game Show, What Would It Be?

His answer: Press Your Luck.

“That was my show when I was a kid. Big bucks, no whammies, and as an adult, I still love it.

“I can’t get enough of that. I think the suspense is incredible. I think it’s a well-designed game. I love the updated tweaks of the new version. It’s, it’s just one of the most perfect shows on television right now.”

What Does Adam Find Interesting About the Evolution of Game Shows?

As a game show historian, Adam has the unique perspective of recognizing and understanding trends in this form of entertainment.

He explained that, especially in the 70s, there was a push to try anything, and game shows were extravagant, crazy, and courageous.

The Money Maze had contestants running in a giant maze around the set to win prizes. The Magnificent Marble Machine was a huge pinball machine with a bowling ball-sized ball that people would play to win prizes. The original The Price Is Right had ridiculous prizes like a Ferris wheel, a horse-drawn chariot, or one mile of hotdogs.

“I love that period of it. I love the experimental period of game shows.”

Now, producers have to make sure their shows are successful and make money. That’s why there are often reboots of old classics—we already know they work well. While this makes sense, Adam often misses the fresh and perhaps somewhat crazy ideas of a bygone era.

“I want to see somebody be willing to say, ‘Yes, let’s try a new untested thing just to see what works.”’”

Why Does the World Need a Game Show Historian?

Historians keep stories of the past alive so we can appreciate and learn from them. Just as there are sitcom historians and pop-culture historians, game shows also deserve to be remembered.

There are thousands of lost episodes because tapes were often erased after airing. People underestimate the importance of game shows, and as a result, there are gaps in game show history that can never be recovered.

As Adam puts it, “The people who made game shows toiled endlessly and very often thanklessly.… The people who made them deserve to be remembered and celebrated.”

Thanks to historians like Adam, who are writing books to keep game show history alive, we’ll never lose those valuable stories.

Discover This Generation of Game Shows on the Game Show Network

Adam said it best: “It’s really hard to predict anything about the future except to say that there will always be game shows.” Whether you love the old classics or want to find something new and exciting, the Game Show Network is sure to have shows to entertain you.

Watch today and discover your new favorite show, or visit the Game Show Network site and try your hand at playing online versions of the most popular games out there.

Behind the Scenes of the Beat the Bridge Game Show

You know the excitement of seeing a game show’s flashing lights and bright colors? We love the competition, the trivia, and the hosts as we play along at home. When there’s a new game that we’ve never seen before, it can be even more appealing. If you’re ready for a new game show to rival all the classics, it’s time to try the Beat the Bridge game show.

How Does Beat the Bridge Work?

Beat the Bridge is the newest game show in the Game Show Network portfolio. A team of three contestants works together to answer questions. Each person takes a turn crossing a bridge as answers appear beneath their feet. They want to step on the correct answers on the bridge and earn their way across to the other side. With every successful crossing, the team adds more money to their overall winnings, building up to the final round with the biggest payout.

Where Did the Idea Come From?

Beat the Bridge is an exciting new installation to American TV, but a different iteration of the game has been around for a while. In the UK, a show called Bridge of Lies first aired in 2022, with teams of contestants answering questions appearing on an electronic floor trying to get across and win money.

The game made its way to the States in 2023, and the show is taking off because of its unique concept. A few changes include shortening the hour-long UK version and having contestants walk on the bridge instead of answering questions in a different room.

Behind the Scenes

When you watch game shows, you don’t usually know what goes on behind the cameras. Luckily for you, we’re offering an exclusive look behind the scenes of Beat the Bridge. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this sneak peek.

Why Is There No Live Audience?

In most game shows, you constantly see and hear an audience wildly clapping and cheering when things go right or hear an “aww” of disappointment when things go wrong. In Beat the Bridge, there’s no audience. Why not?

There are two reasons for this. First, with no audience, the show focuses more on the contestants’ reactions and emotions.

The second reason is more technical. Beat the Bridge’s set is huge, with the giant bridge commanding most of the space. The bridge is a raised platform, so they’d have to position an audience even higher to see what’s happening.

This would add far more complications, and focusing on the game, contestants, and host is better.

Are All Contestant Teams Friends?

Yes! Contestants apply in groups of three. Since the contestants work and compete as a team, it’s fun to see friends rally behind each other and get excited when they succeed.

Who Controls the Bridge Effects?

Some may believe the bridge is automatic. In fact, a team of experienced technicians runs the show behind the scenes. They control voice cues, the bridge’s light-up features, sound, and set lighting. All the effects are controlled in real-time, so the technicians must stay on their toes to ensure everything is timed correctly.

What Was the Biggest Challenge Getting the Show Up and Running?

Technical difficulties are always a challenge with game shows. These technicalities are multiplied because of the unique Beat the Bridge set. Ensuring the answer reveals are timed correctly and that audio cues align with the contestants’ actions is complicated. It’s always a challenge getting into the rhythm of a new game show, but after a few episodes, the team got the hang of things, and the show now runs smoothly.

What Does a Typical Day of Filming Look Like?

A filming day starts with the crew running tests to ensure all the cameras, microphones, lights, and the bridge work correctly. They record any last-minute audio cues or switch out the question material.

Then, the host, Cameron Mathison, gets a quick overview of the categories he’ll announce (not the answers), and producers give him information about the day’s contestants.

Contestants arrive early and are sorted so the crew knows who will be in each episode. Then, the crew films three episodes before lunch and three after, and the whole process wraps up in the evening.

Contestant on Beat the Bridge

Are the Cameras in Different Positions Than in Other Shows?

Yes! Most game shows position cameras directly across from the contestants, set, and host. With Beat the Bridge, however, much of the action happens on the bridge surface, so cameras need a bird’s-eye view. Many cameras are directly above the stage, looking down.

How Do You Decide on Questions and Categories?

The writers ensure that questions are unique and entertaining so that anyone can win, regardless of their educational background. Pop culture, history, geography, science, or even grocery store trivia—anything goes when determining questions.

Do Contestants Know the Categories Ahead of the Game?

Yes. Contestants don’t know the exact category of the questions, but they get a general idea of what’s coming.

For example, if the questions concern chip flavors, contestants will be told that one of the categories is food and drink. If the questions concern pop singers, they may be told that the category is music. Contestants can decide among themselves who will do best in each category.

Does the Host Know the Answers?

No! Mathison learns the correct answers along with the contestants. Questions are guarded carefully by a select few people until the actual filming so nobody can cheat.

Who Is the Voice of the Bridge?

The voice is that of Carissa Kosta. During the original casting process of the show, producers considered using an AI system as the voice. However, it turns out that AI has a hard time pronouncing some words. So, they instead opted for a pre-recorded human voice.

Carissa already worked on the show as the head of content and threw her hat in the ring. It was a perfect match! She already knows the show’s ins and outs, and it’s easy for her to record new voice cues because she’s usually already on set.

What Makes Beat the Bridge Unique?

Host of Beat the Bridge Cameron Mathison

This game is compelling and exciting because anyone can win or fail, no matter where they come from or how old they are. The show is unique because of the fun categories and questions you won’t come across in many other game shows.

What else makes it special? The host, of course! Cameron Mathison is already a star. His charm and enthusiasm for the game make the whole process more enjoyable for fans and contestants.

Stay Entertained with Game Show Network

Want to know more about other game shows and what makes them exciting? The Game Show Network site is perfect for you. You can find new and exciting game shows to watch and play online games to test your trivia knowledge. Find your best form of entertainment with Game Show Network!

Switch Game Show: A Behind-the-Scenes Peek

It’s time to play Switch! This exciting game show leaped into the spotlight as soon as it aired on American TV.

How does it work? We’re glad you asked. The Switch game show starts with five contestants standing behind the numbers one to five. The host asks questions, and the players move up toward the number one spot if they answer correctly or down to the fifth spot if they answer incorrectly. If they end the third round in the number one spot, they win and get the chance to play for the $10,000 prize.

Want to learn more? Most people don’t know what goes on behind the scenes, but today, we’re giving you an exclusive peek.

The History of Switch

Modern game shows are often reboots of old ones, but Switch is an adaptation of a similar trivia game show in Belgium. The European version lasts an hour, with contestants returning to the show over multiple episodes. In the American version, the game lasts 30 minutes in a fast-paced format, and each episode stands alone.

Behind the Scenes of Switch

Curious about what happens behind the scenes? Good thing you asked because we’re ready to share all the juicy secrets.

What Happens When the Cameras Turn Off?

When you watch the show at home, the host often announces a commercial break, and your screen jumps to the latest hamburger ad. But the shows are pre-taped and aren’t broadcast live.

When the cameras turn off, contestants get a break. They may have something to drink, get reminders about where to stand, or take a bathroom break. Then the cameras restart, and it’s back to the action.

Who Controls the Stage and Effects?

When you watch the game, the numbers light up red or green depending on the answers. But who controls this?

The show’s producers provide content to Television City Electronics, which controls the effects by lighting the numbers and providing sound effects.

Are There Ever Any Hiccups?

Like any game show, mistakes are possible, but luckily, these don’t happen often. In rare cases, the numbers light up the wrong color, or a question isn’t worded correctly. If this happens, a stage manager stops the show, and a compliance officer helps correct the error. The crew resets, and the game starts up again—no problem!

How Do Contestants Know What to Do?

Move one spot to the left and then two to the right. It seems like a complicated dance, right? It can get confusing when contestants try to remember where and when to move. Each contestant receives practice beforehand to get used to the game’s rhythm, and producers are ready to prompt contestants to prevent confusion.

How Do They Choose Questions?

Hundreds of questions are used on the show during a day of filming, so how do they prepare them?

Step 1: A content production team establishes questions and answers and enters them into a database.

Step 2: The questions go to a research department that checks them for accuracy.

Step 3: Game Show Network reviews questions to ensure they interest viewers.

Step 4: The questions are grouped for each episode. These groups ensure that no episode has similar questions, and the questions get more challenging as the rounds continue.

Switch game show set

How Does Someone Get on the Show?

Getting on a game show is easier than you think. The Switch casting team sends out flyers and usually targets people living nearby, like California and parts of Oregon and Nevada. Still, anyone can apply, regardless of where they live!

The application is simple! You apply on the Game Show Network website with your personal information and submit a video explaining why you want to compete. Casting will then call you for a short conversation. If the team likes your application and phone conversation, they’ll move on to a video interview. If that interview goes well, you’re on the list and could make it on screen.

Standby contestants are always ready to replace anyone who can’t make it to the show. On filming days, as many as six people are prepared to replace contestants in case of illness or an emergency.

How Did They Choose the Host?

Choosing a host is a crucial choice when launching any game show. Hosting a game show is different than other types of TV presenting. Hosts must talk and think quickly while ensuring they don’t make mistakes. Choosing a host is also challenging because you must find someone who connects with the contestants, even though so many come through the door daily.

These requirements made Jeff Hephner the ideal host for the Switch game show. Best known for his roles on NBC’s television series Chicago Fire and Chicago Med, his charismatic charm, years of on-camera experience, and genuine care for each contestant make him the perfect host.

Does the Host Know the Questions Beforehand?

Nope! Due to game show scandals in the 1950s, a federal law ensures game shows can’t cheat. These laws mean Switch’s producers carefully ensure that answers aren’t released before the show. The only people who get the answers beforehand are the ones who need them, like the crew controlling the light-up numbers.

The host gets the questions as he asks them, and nobody reveals the answers to him ahead of time. In the bonus round, however, before taping, Jeff leaves the stage to review the questions because he must speak quickly and avoid making mistakes.

What Makes Switch Game Show so Special?

Every contestant who competes on Switch gets to walk away having had a once-in-a-lifetime experience. They can mark off something on their bucket list and meet many other amazing people. If their trivia skills are the best, they may even win $10,000.

When you want to watch an exciting and entertaining show, choose Switch on Game Show Network. Do you think you have what it takes to be a contestant? Apply to compete on TV! And for those eager to join the fun from anywhere, don’t forget you can also play Switch online!

A Look at Split Second the Game Show Behind the Cameras

Welcome to Split Second! This game of quick questions and even faster answers is pure excitement and is why Split Second has returned to the air after all these years. People can’t get enough of this witty and fun quiz show! But there’s so much more going on than what you see on your TV.

Learn more about how the Split Second game show has jumped back into popularity and the behind-the-scenes action that ensures everything runs smoothly.

The History of Split Second

The Split Second game show has been around longer than you think. The first version of Split Second aired in 1972 and ran until 1975. The game was rebooted in 1986 with Monty Hall as the host, and now it’s back on the air again with John Michael Higgins taking the lead

What’s the Difference Between the New and Older Versions?

The main difference between the new and old versions of Split Second is the Countdown round and the winner’s bonus round.

In the countdown round, contestants must answer several questions first to win. If they score high in regular play, their number of questions is lower. In older versions, the numbers were close together, for example, three, four, and five for highest, middle, and lowest scores. In the modern version, to make it more fair, the numbers are more spread out among contestants at four, six, and eight, giving the highest-scoring contestant a better advantage.

The other big difference is the winner’s round. In the ‘70s version, the winner would get to play a game of luck to win a car. There was no strategy. In today’s version, producers wanted the end round to fit better with the show’s premise. Now, the winner plays a speed round where they have to answer seven questions right before the time runs out to win $10,000.

Behind the Scenes Trivia

Do you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes or when the camera turns off? Today, you win an exciting prize: a chance to learn the show’s secrets!

What Happens During a Commercial Break?

It may be surprising, but game shows aren’t broadcast live. The filming of the show typically occurs over a 30-45 minute session, allowing for the filming of approximately 5-6 shows per day. When the host announces, “It’s time for a commercial break,” the cameras turn off briefly, giving the crew and contestants a moment to reset before filming resumes.

Contestants and the hosts may get a refreshment and a chance to talk and get to know each other. The crew can check their equipment or take a bathroom break. The host often jokes and entertains the cast, crew, and audience. When everyone’s ready, it’s “lights, cameras, action,” and the game starts again.

How Many People Does It Take to Make an Episode?

Behind the scenes of Split Second

On-screen, you only see the three contestants, the host, and maybe a handful of audience members, but there’s so much more behind the cameras. Think camera operators, writers, makeup artists, technicians, producers, and many others working hard to keep things running smoothly. Any one episode may have between 35 and 50 crew members working to make the magic happen.

How Are Contestants Chosen?

The show chooses contestants after they complete an online application with a video and a short quiz. The casting team sorts through the applications and picks contestants who they think would do well on the show based on their broad knowledge. If selected, they’ll be interviewed before they’re approved to compete on the show.

The show may find you even if you don’t fill out an application! When the show first rebooted, few people knew about it, so the team had to find contestants. They frequented trivia nights at local establishments to find people to appear on the show.

Are Contestants Paid?

Contestants only get paid if they win. The winner of each round wins $1,000 just for beating the other two contestants, but they get $10,000 if they win the grand prize. Producers don’t compensate contestants for travel to appear on the show. However, participants still walk away with the experience of an amazing day, making new friends and enjoying full meals and snacks.

Who’s Responsible for Resurrecting Split Second?

Michael Binkow, the show’s executive producer, has a long history with game shows. He watched game shows on TV after school. His career highlights include working on iconic game shows like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, Make Me Laugh, and Hollywood Game Night. Michael knew the Split Second game show could succeed and spurred the reboot.

What makes game shows so fun for Michael? He gets to give away money, play games all day, and create a show that leaves people with fun, memorable experiences.

What Does a Filming Day Look Like for Contestants?

Filming days start early (often at six am) and last until the evening. The team will film multiple episodes daily, usually around five at a time. Contestants arrive early, get breakfast, and meet the other contestants and crew members.

The production team will decide which contestants work well together in a competitive but fun dynamic. Contestants form groups of three and take turns filming their episodes. If a contestant films early, they may leave. Contestants who film later in the day will spend their whole day on set enjoying the behind-the-scenes experience.

Are There Ever Any Hiccups?

Like any show, something can and does go wrong. However, these occurrences are few and far between. In rare cases, technology or lights may be an issue.

One of the questions may be a problem—a contestant may have answered in a way the writing team didn’t expect. The team will pause and review the question to ensure the contestants get a fair chance at winning.

How Was the Host Chosen?

John Michael Higgens has starred in hundreds of films and TV shows, making him a widely recognized Hollywood face. He recently hosted the successful show America Says, so he seemed a perfect fit for a new game show. His energetic attitude and personable nature make him an excellent host.

What Makes This Game Show Special?

Split Second isn’t just an entertaining show; it’s an opportunity for contestants to win big and check off that bucket list desire to be on a game show. Every contestant gets the chance of a lifetime to compete and meet so many other people.

If you want to see the Split Second game show and try your hand at answering the questions along with the contestants, watch the show on Game Show Network or visit the website and play online trivia games yourself.

How to Play Game Shows Online

Are you the type of person who likes to play along with contestants when watching your favorite game show?

What if you could prove your prowess by playing game shows online? Did you know we have an entire library of games inspired by our shows? Keep reading to learn how interactive our games really can be!

How Can I Watch the Shows on Game Show Network?

There are many ways you can watch our Game Show Network shows. You can go to our website and choose your favorite show. We also have a YouTube channel where we share episodes for free!

You can also check out our show schedule to see what’s on!

Individual Game Show Games

Here are some of our most popular games based on our game shows you can play online!

Play America Says Game Online for Free

America Says is a fun fill-in-the-blank game. Two teams of four people guess the answers taken from various surveys of Americans.

The online version of America Says plays similarly to the show, except you’ll be by yourself. You’ll be presented with a sentence where a word is missing, and seven different blank words you need to figure out. Each word will only have one letter to hint at what that word might be.

To get to the bonus round, you need to get five of the seven words right in 1 minute and 15 seconds.

Play Family Feud for Free Online

We’re sure we don’t have to say too much about Family Feud—the game where two families battle through guessing survey responses.

But what about the online version? Does it capture the same chaotic energy of the show?

Not exactly, because there aren’t families competing. Instead, it will be 1 vs. 1, with you competing against a random player. You will still battle through three rounds and have to guess the answer to the survey question.

Play Chain Reaction Online for Free

Chain Reaction is one of our most popular games. It is a test of quick thinking and word association. In this game, players must connect words in a chain, where the last letter of one word becomes the first letter of the next word. Each chain of words is related to a specific topic, adding an extra layer of challenge and fun.

Experience the fun of the show by playing Chain Reaction free online. Facing a list of word chains, dig deep and connect the words in the chain. Ready to put your wordplay skills to the test and start playing Chain Reaction?

Play Catch 21 for Free Online

A mix of strategy and luck, Catch 21 is a blackjack-style game—except you need to hit 21 three times instead of just once to win. Each contestant is given three base cards they build on, strategically choosing which cards to put together to get to 21.

You can have the same experience online! Facing a virtual card table, you’ll get three base cards to build on and try to get to 21. You also get a power chip to get rid of a card you don’t like.

Play People Puzzler Online for Free

A crossword puzzle for pop culture lovers, People Puzzler has three contestants battle to fill in a crossword puzzle first. Each picks a word and tries to guess the answer. Whoever has the most points after three rounds goes to the Fast Puzzle Bonus Round for a chance to win another prize.

The online version of People Puzzler is the same thing. There’s no time limit or other competitors, so it’s more relaxed. If you need help, you can use a power piece because there are no hints.

Play Card Sharks Online for Free

Group of friends playing game show games

Two people are given a deck of cards and must pull a base card. Once the base card is established, the competitors must guess if the next card will be higher or lower. The goal is to finish your row before your opponent. Whoever completes their row first wins.

The online version of the main game of Card Sharks starts with a Family Feud-style question to decide which player goes first. Once control of the cards has been decided, you or your opponent have to guess higher or lower until the row is completed.

If you’re worried that you are going to guess wrong, you can freeze your cards and have your opponent play.

You can also play Money Cards, which is Card Sharks but only you are playing. You bet on whether a card is higher or lower until you run out of money you earned from the main game.

Play Press Your Luck Online for Free

How long can you keep your lucky streak before cashing out or hitting a Whammy? On this game show, competitors answer trivia questions to earn a spin on the board—trying to win money and other prizes while avoiding the dreaded Whammy.

The online version of Press Your Luck is different from the show. It has slots instead of the typical board. You’ll push a big red button and earn money based on what lines up. This can be continuous until you cash out or hit a Whammy, then you’ll return to the slots.

If you line up two “Press Your Luck” squares, it will bring you to a bonus round that is set up like the original game.

Play Plinko Pegs for Free Online

Like Family Feud, there’s not much to say about The Price Is Right that you don’t already know. But did you know we have a game inspired by the Plinko section of the show?

Plinko Pegs is an online game where you customize your board with various tools to maximize the points you earn in a single drop. You simply drop the ball and watch the points add up as it hits multiple pegs and lands in a lane with a certain amount of points to sweeten the deal.

Play Hey Yahoo! Online for Free

Hey Yahoo! has two teams of three people competing to guess the right words that fit the Yahoo search. If a person guesses correctly, they earn money. If they guess wrong, they’re out for the rest of the round. If the entire team is wrong, the other team has a chance to steal.

There are three rounds and the team with the most money gets to move to the bonus round to potentially win $10,000.

The online version is very similar. You’ll get a search with a word missing, and below, you will have several blank words—with only one letter revealed. Each word will have an amount of money it’s worth next to it.

This is important because you need $300 to get to the bonus round.

There Are Plenty of Ways to Play Free Games Online

Don’t just yell at your screen when watching our game shows; play game shows online to play along! With our variety of shows and games, you’ll never be bored again!

Make sure to browse our catalog of games!

When (& Where) to Watch Your Favorite Game Shows on TV & Online

Buzzers, brain-teasers, and big winners—Game Show Network is the ultimate hub for all your favorite game shows. From revivals of classics to updated hits, Game Show Network features the best lineup of around-the-clock game shows anywhere on television. We have something for all game show fans, no matter your favorite genre.

Check out our full schedule to discover where to watch the game shows you know and love and discover hidden gems you may have missed the first time around.

How Can I Watch Game Show Network?

Want to watch contestants puzzle or outwit their opponents to earn fabulous prizes? Find all the best shows on Game Show Network, available through your cable or satellite provider and on various streaming platforms. Use our channel finder to locate Game Show Network on your cable TV provider and in your area.

Don’t have access? Click here to find out how to watch Game Show Network for FREE!

What Game Shows Can I Watch?

Game Show Network helps you get your fill of healthy competition and iconic game show moments with a star-studded lineup.

America Says

Hosted by John Michael Higgins, two teams of contestants race to guess how America answered a series of fill-in-the-blank survey questions covering every topic under the sun.

When and Where to Watch America Says:

Watch America Says on weekdays at 2:30 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of America Says here!

Click to play America Says online and make your own American Says game to play with friends!

Blank Slate

Mario Lopez hosts as two teams of friends partner with a guest comedian to compete for points. By thinking alike, team members try to match their partner’s responses to funny fill-in-the-blank questions.

When and Where to Watch Blank Slate:

Watch Blank Slate on weekdays at 2 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of Blank Slate here!

Cash Cab

Hosted by Ben Bailey, unsuspecting taxi passengers get picked up in New York City for more than just a ride to their destination. Players must answer increasingly difficult trivia questions to earn cash before they reach their final stop.

When and Where to Watch Cash Cab:

Watch Cash Cab on weekends at 2:30 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Catch 21

This Vegas-style game show, hosted by Alfonso Ribeiro, asks contestants to answer trivia questions to build a hand of playing cards with a total value of 21—without going over.

When and Where to Watch Catch 21:

Watch Catch 21 on weekdays at 8 a.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of Catch 21 here!

Click to play Catch 21 online!

Chain Reaction

Hosted by Dylan Lane, this game show revival has players working together in teams to race against the clock to solve word puzzles. After the revelation of the first and last words, participants can guess one letter at a time.

When and Where to Watch Chain Reaction:

Watch Chain Reaction on weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of Chain Reaction here!

Click to play Chain Reaction online!

Common Knowledge

Hosted by Joey Fatone, this competitive game show features two teams competing by answering practical, real-world questions that should be common knowledge.

When and Where to Watch Common Knowledge:

Watch Common Knowledge on weekends at 1 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of Common Knowledge online here!

Click to play Common Knowledge online!

Deal or No Deal

Hosted by Howie Mandel, contestants have the chance to win big cash prizes by opening a series of briefcases and receiving offers from a mysterious banker, deciding whether to make a deal or risk it all.

When and Where to Watch Deal or No Deal:

Watch Deal or No Deal on weekdays at 12 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Family Feud

Steve Harvey brings his brand of humor as the host of this ever-popular game show. Two families compete against each other to guess the most popular answers to survey questions in a fast-paced atmosphere.

When and Where to Watch Family Feud:

Watch Family Feud on weeknights at 10 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Click to play Family Feud online!

Get A Clue

Hosted by Rob Belushi, two teams compete against each other to solve a mystery word from a set of clues by offering their teammates one-word clues to help them guess and advance to the next round.

Where to Watch an episode of Get A Clue:

Watch a full episode of Get A Clue here!

Hey Yahoo!

Hosted by Tom Cavangh, players compete in two teams of three to guess what millions of Americans are searching for on Yahoo.com for a chance to win a cash prize.

Where to Watch an episode of Hey Yahoo!:

Check out the Insider blog for the latest news and updates about Hey Yahoo!

Watch a full episode of Hey Yahoo! here or click to play Hey Yahoo! online.


Bill Engvall hosts this game show revival where players team up with celebrities to guess words or phrases based on clues provided by their partner before the clock runs out.

Where to Watch an episode of Lingo:

Watch a full episode of Lingo here!

Master Minds

Hosted by Brooke Burns, contestants must compete against each other—and a panel of brilliant masterminds—in a series of intense trivia questions.

When and Where to Watch Master Minds:

Watch Master Minds on weeknights 6 p.m. ET. Check out the Insider blog for more behind the scenes about Master Minds.

Watch a full episode of Master Minds here!

Match Game

Hosted by Gene Rayburn, this classic game show has two contestants competing to match fill-in-the-blank answers with a panel of celebrities for a chance to win big!

When and Where to Watch Match Game:

Watch Match Game on weekdays at 1 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

People Puzzler

Family watching game shows together

Hosted by Leah Remini, contestants put their pop culture knowledge to the test by competing to solve crossword puzzles from People magazine.

When and Where to Watch People Puzzler:

Watch People Puzzler on weeknights at 6:30 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of People Puzzler here!

Click to play People Puzzler online!

Person Place or Thing

Melissa Peterman hosts a fresh take on the classic 20-questions format, contestants compete to solve various word puzzles, determining whether the answer is a person, place, or thing.

When and Where to Watch Person Place or Thing:

Watch Person Place or Thing on weekdays at 9 a.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Press Your Luck

Elizabeth Banks hosts this game show reboot where contestants press their luck to answer trivia questions correctly to win spins on a gameboard where they can win cash, prizes, or lose it all with a “Whammy.”

When and Where to Watch Press Your Luck:

Watch Press Your Luck on weeknights at 8 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Click to play Press Your Luck Slots online!

Split Second

Hosted by John Michael Higgins, This fast-paced game show features three contestants competing to answer multiple-choice questions to earn spins on a game board—and a $10,000 cash prize.

When and Where to Watch Split Second Game Show:

Watch Split Second on weeknights at 7:30 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Watch a full episode of Split Second here!


Hosted by Jeff Hephner, five players compete by answering several rounds of trivia questions, moving closer to the top spot and the chance to win cash.

When and Where to Watch Switch!

Watch Switch on weeknights at 7 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.
Watch a full episode of Switch here!

Click to play Switch online!

The $100,000 Pyramid

Hosted by Michael Strahan, in this high-stakes game show, contestants compete to win a grand prize of $100,000 by partnering up with celebrities and trying to guess words or phrases based on clues.

When and Where to Watch The $100,000 Pyramid:

Watch The $100,000 Pyramid on weekdays at 4 p.m. on Game Show Network.

25 Words or Less

Contestants team up with celebrities for a guessing game by working out clues in only 25 words or less, hosted by Meredith Viera.

When and Where to Watch 25 Words or Less:

Watch 25 Words or Less on weekends at 12 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

Tug of Words

Hosted by Samantha Harris, playground tug-o-wars meet a game show with this competition, where teams of two must answer word-clue questions correctly to pull the flag on the tug-of-war rope over to their side.

Where to Watch an episode Tug Of Words:

Watch a full episode of Tug Of Words here!

Wheel of Fortune

One letter at a time, contestants guess hidden phrases and win prizes based on the spin of a wheel for each correct consonant guessed, hosted by Pat Sajak.

When and Where to Watch Wheel of Fortune:

Watch Wheel of Fortune on weeknights at 9 p.m. ET on Game Show Network.

See What’s on Game Show Network on TV and Online!

Looking for where to watch the game shows you know and love? From classic favorites like Match Game and Family Feud to new hits like People Puzzler and America Says, Game Show Network has a lineup of exciting shows to keep you on the edge of your seat. Browse our schedule to see what’s on today!

If you love watching your favorite game shows, try playing them online!

Where Can I Watch the Game Show Network for Free?

Game Show Network has been the home of your favorite game shows for 30 years. Created in 1994, the network has revived old favorites and created new must-watch shows.

With life only getting busier, catching an episode of your favorite show live can be tough. You might ask, “Where can I watch the Game Show Network for free?” Keep reading to find all the answers.

Game Show Network offers free episodes of various shows online, including:

  • America Says
  • Master Minds
  • People Puzzler
  • Chain Reaction
  • Catch 21
  • Common Knowledge
  • Split Second
  • Switch
  • And so much more!

Where to Watch Game Show Network Live

Not sure where to watch your favorite show live? You can find Game Show Central, a free channel, on the following streaming platforms:

Group of friends watching a game show
  • Pluto
  • Roku
  • Samsung TV Plus
  • Vizio
  • Plex
  • Xumo
  • Redbox
  • Freevee

Game Show Spotlight

Here are some of our most popular shows and when to watch them.

Watch America Says Online for Free

John Michael Higgins hosts America Says, which is all about knowing what fellow Americans think. Through three rounds, two teams try to guess the right answers to survey questions—Family Feud-style.

After the reveal of the first letter of each word, the contestants get an idea of the answer. Teams have only 30 seconds to guess all seven answers! If a team guesses wrong, the other team can swoop in and steal points. The winning team then goes onto the bonus round to win even more money!

Watch America Says for free any time through our YouTube playlist. If you want a taste, this is America Says’ most popular episode. You can also catch the show on weekdays at 2:30 p.m. ET

Want to play along? You can play America Says online!

Watch Chain Reaction Game Show Online for Free

With Dylan Lane, a two-time host, at the helm, Chain Reaction features contestants creating “chains” out of words. Chains include “links,” or two words that make sense when used together—like “bus” and “stop.” Six links make each chain for the first three rounds and seven for the final round.

Two teams of three people compete against each other for four rounds, with Speed Chains happening in between rounds. These in-between mini-games allow players to turn the tables—only if they are fast enough. The winning team then moves to the bonus round for a shot at additional prizes.

Watch as this team wins $10,000! You can also watch our Chain Reaction playlist or catch it at 5 p.m. ET on weekdays.

Check out the online version of Chain Reaction and test your wordplay skills!

Watch People Puzzler Online for Free

Famous actress Leah Remini hosts this crossword puzzle-themed game show. But this isn’t just any crossword puzzle—it’s full of pop culture references!

Three contestants fight to see who can complete the most of the crossword and earn the most points. The contestant with the most points after three rounds moves on to the Fast Puzzle Bonus Round for a cash prize

Watch as this contestant manages to sneak a win with just a few seconds to spare!

Catch People Puzzler at 10 a.m. ET on weekdays.

In our online game, you can play along and take on your own pop culture crossword puzzler!

Watch Split Second Online for Free

Another show hosted by John Michael Higgins, Split Second features three competitors answering trivia questions. Each question has three possible answers—the contestant who buzzes the fastest can choose one of the three answers. The second fastest chooses between the remaining two, and the final contestant gets whatever answer remains.

The final round is the Countdown Round, allowing the contestant who buzzes first to provide all three answers. As a contestant gets more answers right, they can stay longer to play. The goal is to hit zero before the other contestant.

On this show, anything can happen—watch as this contestant goes from last to first place! You can watch Split Second on weeknights at 7:30 p.m ET. We also have a playlist on YouTube!


Do you have more questions about watching your favorite game shows? Find answers below.

Where Can I Stream Game Show Network?

You can stream the Game Show Network on various platforms. Locate yours on our channel finder page.

Does Game Show Network Have an App?

No, but you can easily find and watch your favorite shows on Game Show Central.

How Can I Watch Game Shows for Free?

You can watch all your top game shows for free on YouTube and Game Show Central.

Start Watching Game Shows for Free Today

Game show episodes are more accessible than ever! Enjoy your favorite game show anytime you want. Whether you want to catch memorable moments on YouTube or watch episodes live on Game Show Central, we’ve got you covered.

Don’t forget to join the fun with our interactive online games.

SPT/GSN Live Viewing

Source: Nielsen, Live+ Same Day vs. Live+ 7 Demo P2+ (000), 2022 Calendar Year (12/25/2021-12/27/22); Sony Averages based on Total Day, Excludes: specials, breakouts, and pgms <5 mins. SPT Shows (W/J MF/Wknd/Seinfeld/KOQ/Goldbergs/Relationship Court/MOF/Good Doctor and S.W.A.T(excludes breakouts)

Let The Ads Play Custom Study 

Source: Maru/Matchbox December 2022 National Study. Field Date: 12/13/22 – 12/23/22; U.S. Market, Sample = 1,014, Adults 25-54 = 35%, Adults 55+ = 65%.

Top 20 Network P2+ Total Day Ranker

Source: NPOWER, Ratings Analysis Time Period Report, Live + SD, 12/27/2021 – 12/25/2022,  Viewing Source – Ad Supported Cable Orig & GSN, M-SU 6A-6A, CVG RTG % & (000), P2+.

The #1 and #2 Entertainment Programs across Linear Television (Broadcast/Cable/Syndication)

Source: Nielsen, Live+ Same Day Impressions; 9/12/22-1/29/23; Total Viewers (P2+); Excludes News, Sports, Specials and break-outs

John Michael Higgins is BACK in Split Second

Your favorite game show host, John Michael Higgins (America Says), is BACK! He’s hosting the brand-new game show Split Second, premiering tonight at 7:30p ET, only on Game Show Network.

Based on a format from game show legend Monty Hall, Split Second asks three contestants to decide in a split second which of three general interest trivia questions they can answer. The first player to buzz in gets the first pick, and the last player is left to answer whatever is left, which is often the most difficult. The player with the fastest response time and the highest success rate answering questions over the first three rounds advance to the bonus game where their ability to answer a rapid-fire series of questions could win them $10,000.

Here is your first look at a free, full episode of Split Second…

Split Second airs Weeknights at 7:30p ET, only on Game Show Network.

Need help finding Game Show Network? To find Game Show Network on your cable service, click HERE.